My vision for India and Ancient Games Poems

 “My vision for India and Ancient Games Poems- by Gauransh Tiwari”

Poems about- My vision for India, Ancient Games, How would I contribute to my country?

English Poem on India


Poem on my vision for India@100years
Poetry by Gauransh

India! My country, my dreamland, a divine creation,

people having right in building nation.

Different cultures, heritages, languages and religion,

like pearls in a string- an exquisite fabrication.


After a centenary, It will be a heaven,

weaknesses got nullified with strengths arisen.

People will be shower of hope with power of recreation,

blessed with joy, prosperity and magical motivation.


The Supremo of digital world with inspiring ideology,

there would be right to food, shelter and education with balanced ecology.

People show no interest in immigration,

My dreamland! will really be a jewel in the crown- my imagination.


Inexplicable aura with no pollution,

improved health facilities gifted by constitution.

Everyone doing efforts with full determination,

no one believer of any limitation.


This is my wish and dream of every citizen,

taking wise step is our decision.

Everything is possible if we combine,

let’s start with blessings of divine!

– Gauransh Tiwari


How would I contribute to my country?

              Get Up and Go

Excellent Indian culture and traditions,

Different people, languages and missions.

Together we do wonders,

We share joy, laughter and sadness.


Don’t you think we should contribute to our society?

What is the meaning of independence of our country?

Britishers never treated us equally,

And now we are not treating others evenly.


Can’t we provide education services ,

Can’t we provide food services .

I want to do these contributions,

Giving all a wonderful life is not a fiction.


Can’t we give a little contribution?

By reducing acts of pollution.

Serene aura all time,

A divine step by you and mine.


Our earth is a paradise,

Come forward with efforts nice.

Bring smile on all faces,

By taking steps that are wise.

-Gauransh Tiwari

Ancient Games

Poem on Ancient Games-By Gauransh

Life an Elysian gift by our Almighty,

the Supremo  gifted us with budding potentiality.

It’s as immense as Universe incredible,

never let anyone touch our inner adorable.


To protect this presidential inside,

sports role cannot be denied.

It’s take away all our stress,

allure happiness and embrace the success.


Sports give us knowledge and keep us fit,

it also teach us sportsman spirit.

Teamwork, healthy mind set and much more,

enchanting like music with lyrics we adore.


Ancient games, pride of our Indian heritage,

a legacy which should be a homage.

Colour is beautiful but rainbow is a delight,

following these with modern games is right.


All make constellation together,

alone modern games are stars rather.

Play all in joyous shade,

but never let anyone’s color fade.

Thank you for visiting my page. I hope you like my poetry  on my vision for India @ 100 years,How would I contribute to my country and Ancient Games. Also visit-

 Poems By Gauransh Tiwari


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